Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Hunting catch up.

 Folks, when I don't write for awhile its not because I don't love you, its because I'm lazy... Well that and I'm out doing things. So lets wind back to when I talked to you last, in early October.

Shortly after my last post we took another week at camp. In 2019 I shot my first duck ever while we were at camp in October, it was a merganser which is a pretty lowly regarded duck so for 2020 I had high hopes. In preparation for this hunting season I even got myself a new duck gun:

It's a Browning Silver in 3 1/2". A sweet little gun if I've ever seen one, it swings nice and only once has failed to cycle the action, that time was actually the second shot and it was a light trap load.

The bag on day 4, 2 black ducks, and a male cinnamon teal.

I made one big discovery on this trip, if you sit where they want to be, ducks are dumb. The pond I'm hunting is in an old gravel pit. The pond sits pretty low so its very hard to sneak up on, you're always skylit. That said if you sit next to the pond and cover up, well basically at all, the ducks won't see you. I've got a camouflaged sheet so all I did was cover myself with that and sit and wait. The ducks would fly down and land in the pond and blammo.

Yes, I'll admit it, I'm a filthy water swatter. I can't hit a duck in the air to save my life...

The last bird of the trip was another merganser. There are 2 things here, one, I'd cooked a merganser a year ago and wanted to see if I could make it taste good again and 2 I really wanted 6 birds in 6 days...

So total for the trip was 2 cinnamon Teal, 2 black ducks, a merganser and a partridge. Not really epic but I got my 6 birds.

One thing I didn't do on this trip was hunt the field edges, I saved that for deer camp in November.

In Massachusetts this year I got no ducks or geese at all. I'd taken the first week of early goose off but never was able to get where the geese wanted to be. I went hunting with a group of guys one time and while we saw a bunch of ducks I couldn't get close to them. Strangely on that trip I got sent home with two ducks Zach shot.

Pretty fancy huh? Black duck breast with blueberry reduction. It tasted good too.

The real hunting story of the year came in November, I'll save that for my next post.

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