So a 202 is a form of 200A with a nickle fount and some stainless and ceramic bits. It was more expensive than a 200A and thus is a bit rare.
Angie and I went on Saturday and picked it up. I made sure I gave the guy the $5 before giving it more than a cursory examination. The picture on the web was better than the reality, the lantern is pretty gross but all the important bits are present.

I'd guess that its been run on unleaded gas at some point and the fount was left pressurized but the cap leaked a little so over the years gas has spit out and varnished on the side of the fount. The fount smells AWFUL, I drained out a trickle of horrible orange nasty last night.

The fount is covered in a green corrosion thats hard to pick up on the photo.

Notice the nut on top of the vent is upsidedown.

Surprisingly the pump works fine though as I've mentioned the cap leaks. The valve was stuck but disassembled it looks fine so it was probably just varnish. The fuel/air tube was gross and will need to be soaked in carb cleaner. Valve packing looks perfect, I don't think this lantern was used much. The vent is very good with only a couple tiny chips.
Tonight I'll set it to soak with Marine Clean and BBs to breakup the varnish in the tank. A new generator is already on order though I think the one on it is okay, it seems to work on my 200A anyway... Hopefully this will be a relatively quick cleanup job.
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