Thursday, January 18, 2018

Great Games, #1 Sushi Go!

I see its been awhile since I've posted, best intentions and all that...

Anyway some of you may know that Angela and I are tabletop gamers that is to say we like to play boardgames. These aren't your games of old although we're not opposed to a game of Life now and then. Today's boardgames are full of strategy, adventure and other sorts of foolishness and fun. In the next 5 posts I'll to introduce you to 5 of our favorites.

Favorite Game #1: Sushi Go

Sushi Go is a card game where your goal is to accumulate points by collecting delicious pieces of Japanese cuisine, or at least cards depicting delicious Japanese cuisine. You start by playing a card from your hand, you then pass your hand to the player next to you and receive a new hand from another player, play another card and then pass the hand, on and on until all the cards have been played. Some cards are worth points by themselves, some require a set of cards to be worth anything and some others become more valuable as you have more of them. The play mechanic of passing the hand keeps things moving and when you're playing in an advanced group play can get really quick.

Sushi Go is an excellent game for novice gamers, kids, older folks, and people who say they "don't like games". We've invited total strangers into our gaming group to play Sushi Go and had them ask to buy our copy. There are a couple versions of Sushi Go, I like the Gamewright version particularly because of the artwork and the metal carrying case. Although the rules specify 2-5 players we've played with as many as 8, for that to work you need to recycle some of the cards but if you shuffle frequently its fine. Available anywhere games are sold but remember if you use this Amazon link your faithful blogger gets a cut.

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