Thursday, January 16, 2020

Travel to a wedding

So I mentioned we'd gone to Italy, the purpose of the trip was a wedding, Angie's cousin Kurt marrying Victoria. Victoria's family is from Soverato which is kind of in the instep of the boot, so southern Italy.

Google says its 632km or 392 miles from Rome to Soverato, we opted to fly to Lamezia and then take the train about 2 hours to Soverato. On the train we met Josh and Nicole who had taken the train all the way from Rome which is about 7 hours total. I realize now that flying was a screw up. They left their hotel at about the same time we did and just chilled on a train. We had to take the train from Rome to the airport and then fight our way through the airport. Get a cab from the airport to the train station and get on the train. So learn from us, just take the train, it takes the same amount of time overall.

This train ride was one for the books, I wish I had pictures. The train was 1950s or '60s era, diesel and had 2 gears. Seriously, you could feel when the train shifted gears. I sat across from an old guy, I'd guess he was in his late '70s but he could have been older. He fell asleep and started leaning forward. Angie and I were sure that at any moment I was going to have this old guy in my lap. Interesting ride. The scenery was amazing though, Italy is exactly as beautiful as you've been led to believe.

Strangely I don't have any pictures at all from our first night in Soverato. It was kind of an odd time. Kurt is 10 years younger than Angie, his parents are around 20 years older than us. So we were of left without anybody our age to hang around with. Everybody was really nice but you could tell there was a generational divide.

Anyway the hotel was lovely, if slightly unprepared to deal with a hoard of Americans. My biggest issue was coffee. The coffee in Italy is good but its espresso or cappuccino which is espresso with foam. I was having a hard time getting the volume of coffee I was used to. I'm adaptable and lack of coffee isn't the end of the world but...

I wish I had taken more pictures. I thought I had, I think I've lost some. I can't find pictures of us dipping our toes in the Mediterranean for instance.

The food was amazing, these pictures are from the rehearsal dinner, that table never got empty, thats just all they had out at once. I took the close up shot to show Angie's grandmother that weiners wrapped in crescent rolls happen in Europe too.

Last night I spent a bunch of time uploading more pictures, seriously, more than 100. I'm going to go back and re-edit my last post with the pictures of Castle Sant'Angelo, if you're interested go check that out.

Next: A Wedding in Italy!

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