Thursday, June 16, 2022

Thats some good cookin!

You might remember last year I posted a little on some meals we've cooked, I figured today I'd show off a little more, and especially to focus on game meat.

This is wild goose breast with apple/cherry chutney. Angie gets an attagirl for this one. We've got a bunch of goose breasts from last fall that I was a little nervous to cook. A lot of people talk smack about wild goose breasts and I was a little nervous about these but they came out fantastic. The came recipe from the Meat Eater Wild Game Cookbook. The trick, as with most game meat, is to not overcook it. Angie sears the goose breast in a cast iron pan and then finishes it in the oven. She just chucks the whole pan in the oven.

Notice how red the meat is. Wild goose isn't poultry, not like chicken anyway. If you cook it like chicken it'll get that "gamey" flavor that people don't like. Treat it like venison and it'll come out great.

This is Christmas dinner, pheasants from last fall. There were actually two, I'd shot a hen and a cock on the same day

The hen is hard to see in this picture, she was hard to see in the field too.

We wrapped one in bacon with no other seasoning, the other got a dose of Vintner's spice which we had gotten as a gift. The Vintner's spice goes really well with game meat, the stronger flavors of the pheasant are complimented. 

The big deal in this meal was that Angie's parents came over. They'd never had pheasant before and really had only ever had a couple meals of game meat. They seemed to really enjoy the different flavors, but really, would anybody say no to something cooked in bacon?

This isn't really a meal but the prep for a meal. I made these meatloafs (meatloaves?) for a lantern gathering last fall. These are half venison sausage, half ground beef. We eat meatloaf pretty much every week and I always do it the same way, it works out great.

Finally, one from last summer:

You might remember these from a video back in 2012, zucchini sausage boats.

Again I used venison sausage, just a quick fry-up that you can see in the pan. I'd scooped out the inside of the zucchinis and fried that with the sausage and some red peppers diced up fine. While that going I pre-cooked the zucchini. It's amazing how much water comes out of a zucchini.
Then put the meat mix into the zucchini, cover it with cheese and grill it for a few minutes, they're delicious and a great way to use up zucchini.

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