Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Not doing a good job on my resolutions

I wish I could say I had an awesome excuse for missing out on writing things but I really don't. After a good start to the year I've slid badly.
Its not like I don't have a bunch of things to tell you about, we went on a cruise, I took a work trip to Las Vegas, a work trip to NYC, a work trip to Burbank. It even looks like I might have a couple really cool work trips coming up.

For now I'll keep it simple:

Thats me on the floor of the UN General Assembly. Yeah, its a weird face, I over thought it. I was teaching there about a month ago and got to take a walk around. The thing to know about the UN is that its big, really big. Look it up on Google Earth: and notice that the main building is about a block long and half or a third of a block wide, then notice the other buildings around it. Lotsa people and lots of stuff going on.

Anyway I was fighting a cold I'd picked up in California which dogged me until pretty much yesterday, today I seem to finally be free of the lingering cough, so I wasn't really at my best. I did meet up with a friend from high school while I was there.

This is kind of a weird story. Rachel's brother was my best friend from grade 1 until I was in college. At some point we drifted apart and I lost track of him. I've sort of caught up with him on Facebook in that impersonal way Facebook "brings people together" without actually bringing anybody together. Anyway Rachel and I were never close but then I saw her at out twentieth high school reunion last summer. The following week I had to go to LA for work and who else shows up in LA? This is where I give Facebook some props, I'd never have known she was in LA without it. Hilarity ensues where my class makes fun of me for going on a "date" which isn't a date and my new phone fails to get texts which are strangely going to my old phone and we didn't meet up. Then in March I go to NYC for work and while I'm getting on the train I notice Rachel has posted pictures of Times Square. So we manage to meet up for drinks. Very strange that we hadn't seen each other for 20 years and now we've seen each other twice in less than a year...

Finally it wouldn't be a trip to NYC if I didn't have pizza:

The normal looking slice is sausage, the one in the back is calimari. This is by far the weirdest pizza I've ever had, it had a spicy kind of sauce which also had a barbeque undertone and all in all I wasn't a big fan. The crust was excellent though...

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