Monday, February 8, 2021

Hunting 2020 part 2

 So in my last post I talked about ducks and partridge in October. In November I headed back north for deer camp. As is usual we didn't see any shootable deer although dad and I did see 3 in the road at night. I had to weave through them to keep from hitting one.

Mike and I had a pretty good time shooting partridge, we took 3 birds on the first day.

I kind of screwed up on this trip, I took my new Browning Silver and a single barrel "Khan" 20ga my dad gave me. That gun is kind of cool, it folks completely in half which makes it easy to pack around. It's also cursed. I had it with us last year too and we didn't hardly see a squirrel the whole trip. Until this trip it had been fired once and that was at a water bottle just to make sure it would go off.

So I asked Mike "Which gun do you want?" and he chose the cursed 20ga. I dropped him off at the north end of a fencerow, told him to go on the other side of it and I'd meet him in the middle. I drove to the south end and just as I walked up to the fencerow I spotted a bird. Well I'm no dummy I pulled up the Browning and bagged a bird. One thing I've been working on is taking longer distance shots and letting the gun do the work and this was a good one. It was an easy shot but a difficult retrieve, the bird was under some spruce trees with thorny bushes all around. I had to about crawl in. Meanwhile Mike was seeing nothing.
When I caught up to him I gave him the Browning and took the cursed 20ga, it wasn't long before he connected with a bird and sent 2 more over my head but I couldn't get the 20ga cocked to take a shot. He got his second bird immediately after that, the foolish thing watched him shoot and just sat there.

A couple days later I rode with my dad and uncle Guy and got my second bird with the cursed 20ga, the second time it had ever been shot and it's first bird. I did miss another bird with it later in the week, a bird I'm confident I would have gotten if I'd had the Browning.

Late in the week we walked another fencerow, again Mike chose the 20ga and this time he chose the north side of the fence. All the birds were on the south side, I connected with 2 and missed out on 2 or 3 more. I felt a little bad but I seem to remember a year when he shot birds on that north side, its just the luck of the draw I suppose.

Anyway, I'm going to quit this post here and finish up in part 3, coming soon...

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