Sunday, April 18, 2021

Even more airgun fun

 I've really been digging my Daisy 853 although I keep calling it an 835...

This little guy showed up on Saturday and I finally got time to try it out today. The target stickers are 1 1/2" across, the metal bits are 1 11/16" When you shoot the lower targets they'll flip up and can be reset by shooting the top one.

What I found is that the 853 needs to hit the bottom targets below center to consistently get them to flip. I suppose I need to get out one of my .22 airguns to see if the issue is the 853 not having enough power or if its something about the targets. Anyway its challenging to get all 4 lower targets flipped in 4 shots. After some practice I could do it pretty reliably but not 100%. This is definitely good practice, its challenging but not impossible.

In my previous post I'd incorrectly mentioned that I was using Crossman pellets, they're actually Daisy. For cheap pellets they work really well. Dad uses Crossman zinc "lead free" pellets for shooting chipmunks and squirrels because he doesn't want to poison the crows that eat them. He reports that those zinc pellets shoot accurately as well but I think maybe not as good as I'm getting with the Daisy.

There is one problem I need to correct for, the pellets hit the targets and fall on the ground. The ones in the picture were previously lying in the grass. I *think* I got them all picked up but some had buried into the grass. I wouldn't be surprised if I missed some. I need to get some kind of small tray to catch them. I've got some pieces of gutter that would probably do the job. Another good reason to use zinc pellets I suppose.

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